Friday 14 November 2008

The Donut Lady

This is Jennifer. She is The Donut Lady. She sells delicious, squidgy, melting, icing-sugar dusted donuts. So today I brought her with me to school. Parents are invited to assembly on Friday mornings, and coffee is served, but otherwise their hands are sad and empty. Sad, empty hands yearning for delicious, squidgy, melting icing-sugar dusted donuts.

"Ambrosoli, I know it!" she clapped, when I told her where we were going. "I used to work there." As we got to the school gates she said "There I was bitten by a snake!" She showed me a large scar on her leg, just above the ankle. "It was a cobra." I told her she was lucky to be around to tell the tale. Then, hmmm, cobras on school property. Maybe I should tell the head.

Jennifer is only 48 but already a grandmother. She sells donuts to pay for school fees, etc. She has four children, all boys. The youngest one's name is George Bush.


Rebecca said...

Yum. Did she sell lots? (PS when did you become so Americanized? Doughnuts young lady!)

Mickle in NZ said...

Jennifer's donuts look wonderful. Just as well I'm not over there coz I'd want to scoffle the lot.

Blogger word verification is becoming funnier and funnier, almost but not quite words, or almost but not quite known words

Just now I have been gifted with "sockled".

Definitions please....

care and huggles to you and all yours, Michelle in NZ

els said...

I think I know the Donut! she owned the Donut Factory in Wandegeya, but it closed...I wish she'd open up again

BaronessBlack said...

Wow! Those look like proper doughnuts! When I worked in Nairobi we used to have what they called "Mandazi" which were liike plain doughnuts with no hole in the middle. The lady brought them in a big paper sack and she would tear off a piece from the paper sack and pick up a mandazi and hand it to you. I don't know why she didn't just let us pick our own? It must have meant that she needed a new paper sack everyday!
Anyway, they were very good!

Le laquet said...

Don't get me started on doughnuts - I can cry over a box of Krispy Kremes ;o)

Marie said...

I want one.

My word verification for the day as "cystr" which is surely a word for a cyst that grows so large in your womb that you think it's another child. Ick, I know, but now that there's a word for it...