Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Punctuation matters

We are settling back into Kampala life...thankfully no more hair-raising incidents to report. I love being on top of my mountain, and we even had a party last weekend a sort of housewarming / R's birthday combo.

I like parties: I just hate organising them. I get in a terrible fluster about how much food to buy and whether we have refrigeration capacity. I can't bear the thought of waste - something I have inherited from my mama - and whether my terrible cooking will be exposed. (We had broccoli, pasta and sausages the other night, which I managed to mess up. I still maintain the useless grill was partly to blame.) Barbecues are at least quite forgiving in this sense, especially when you buy the meat pre-marinated and there are lots of pyromaniac friends prepared to take over. But I most love it when the guests turn up, and the spirit of misery guts suddenly disappears.

My favourite thing though: the cake...

Yeah, "Robert", Happy Birthday!
You can run but you can't hide, scumbag!
your friends at the FBI

I think I should be told.


Marie said...

Happy "birthday", Robert!

Have you submitted your excellent cake image here?

Rebecca said...

Seems very suspicious to me, looks like you need a Mma Ramotswe-stylee private eye. Like the mango hedgehog though, a cake after my own heart. BTW shootings and all very concerning: what's it all about?