Thursday, 14 February 2008

Change the record

Sigh. It's not all delivering-babies-in-bush-hospitals. 80 per cent of the time it's dealing-with-inconvenience. (Did I mention that things can be very inconvenient here?) For example: I have had no internet access for 4 days. This is a bit gutting when broadband is twice as expensive as back home. (Do you remember me saying how expensive it was?) The problem, it turned out, was my rubbish, back-of-a-lorry extension lead had short-circuited the LAN cable. (Did I mention the poor quality electrical products? But notice I used the acronym LAN with convincing authority.)

If it's not t'internet, it's the leaking sewage pipe, dripping sink, faulty immersion heater - the plumber and I are best mates now - did I mention that everything is a bit gerry-built?

I think I did.

I also think being pregnant for a hundred years is making me cranky.


Marie said...

You have indeed been pregnant for 100 years. When are you due?

Tooting bird said...

Hello! I am due in 37 days exactly, or 5 weeks and 2 days. Do you want it in hours?

Mickle in NZ said...

Not that you're counting? Sweetheart, I would be. While pregnancy is unlikely for me, so I can't do empathy, I hope my understanding reaches you.Understanding for stretched out outer and super cosy friendly insides as they are all much closer together, along with the new one.

Sending care and love, and you're allowed to feel feed-up with it all

Michelle in NZ

Mickle in NZ said...

Oops, Feedup - not what you'd be wanting to do - replace with Fedup

SEnding smiles and care

Guest reader said...

hi lizzie, my email doesn't seem to be sending properly so hope you don't mind if i msg you here instead.
Couldn't see the picture of gloria's b'day but oh my goodness, 2 already!
I expect its at the bottom of the to-do list right now but did you get the info from Duncan about the childhood illnesses stuff? Should i still be looking for other stuff too still. No rush obviously.
Will try to get to better email and write properly, if i don't mananage all that soon though, good luck for when the new baby arrives.
Clare x